Multi-family housing
location: Nowe Żerniki, Wrocławsite area: 0,72hatotal netto floor area: 29 799,01 m2overground netto floor area for CDE buildings: 5770,00 m2workshop/concept design 2014-16building permit & executive project 2016-17completion: 2017-20as: ch+architects & Vroa architects
The project continued as a result of Nowe Żerniki Workshop for a new residential area in Wrocław.Three characteristic units make part of five-building, loosely built, block situated next to the central Barskich av. and Architects av.Aplied typology provides with with double-sided well lit staircases and two-sided apartments with large loggias on both ends serving as spatial buffers between interior and exterior.The characteristic 'cut' corners give an insight into the block as well as better insolation and airing. The adjacent areas work as as semi-public spaces to be developed by inhabitants and tenants.The underground garage do not spoil an open and inviting space/vistas. A significant part of the natural land is kept on the plot, allowing for undisturbed high trees growth and for more effective microtention of rain water.